Charak Femiplex Tablets
x1 - ₹ 135.00
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₹ 299.00 ₹ 270.00
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Pack Size: 10 Capsules
SPARK ROYAL strengthens and tones the sexual glands. Support the healthy production of the sex hormones and very good for increasing sexual debility. It also increases stamina and libido and acts as a restorative nutrient.
Non – Hormonal and safe sex-stimulant
Acts on hypothalamus and limbic systems to improve libido
Improves and helps to maintain erection
Anti-stress, adaptogenic actions helps to alleviate anxiety associated with sexual performance.
Erectile Dysfunction; also known as failure of erection or impotence
Less output of semen
Poor ejaculation control
Short lasting erection
Premature ejaculation
Painful intercourse
Loss of sexual desire
Major ingredients:
Ipomoea digitata (Vidarikand)
Hibiscus abelmoschus (Latakasturi)
Chlorophytum tuberosum (Swet Musali)
Two Capsules 30 minutes before bedtime (preferably with hot milk).
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