Zandu Vigorex Capsules
x1 - ₹ 210.00
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₹ 750.00 ₹ 675.00
Dhanwantari Nutraherbs Spirulina Capsules
Pack Size – 100 Capsule
Spirulina is a type of superfood that offers various health benefits. Its benefits include high protein content, good amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Consuming it increases the body’s daily energy levels, improves digestion, strengthens the immune system, and can help in weight loss. Additionally, it regulates blood sugar, protects the skin and improves mental health. Spirulina is known as space food, as a small dose of spirulina provides vitamins, minerals & proteins in large quantities How to Use: Take 4 capsules daily in morning empty stomach
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