Organic Wellness Lipid-Fit Capsules
₹ 399.00
Product Description
Pack Size: 90 capsules
OW’HEAL Lipid-Fit has organic Arjun & Harjor that improve lipid profile.
- In combination with Amalaki & Ashwagandha, they help reduce:
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
Cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis. - Benefits of Lipid Fit Capsules:✔Helps to maintain healthy cardio-vascular functions
✔Normalize cholesterol levels
✔Helpful in raised lipid levels and their complications
✔Improves lipid profile
✔Improves HDL cholesterol level
✔Reduces Body Fat mass
✔Lowers body weight
✔Reduces blood glucose level
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