Organic India Sugr / Sugar Balance Capsules
₹ 210.00
Sugr Balance helps to normalize blood sugar levels, retards absorption of dietary sugars and improves insulin utilization. Prevents and treats chronic complications of diabetes mellitus, both type 1 & 2. Can be used with modern anti-diabetics, which can be gradually reduced as condition improves.
Product Description
Organic India Sugar Balance Capsules
Pack size: 60 Caps
Sugar Balance helps to normalize blood sugar levels, retards absorption of dietary sugars and improves insulin utilization. Prevents and treats chronic complications of diabetes mellitus, both type 1 & 2. Can be used with modern anti-diabetics, which can be gradually reduced as condition improves. Preventative in predisposition to diabetes. Sugar Balance improves the utilization of glucose in the blood and can be used together with conventional anti diebetic medicine.
Benefits of Organic India Sugar Balance
- Sugar Balance is best supplement for diabetic patient as it cures sugar naturally.
- It maintains sugar levels, retards absorption of dietary sugars & improves insulin utilization.
- This herbal diabetic supplement prevents & treats chronic complications of diabetes mellitus, both type 1 & 2.
- If you are using modern anti- diabetic medicine then also you can buy Organic India Sugar balance & start using with modern anti-diabetic medicine.
- Organic India Sugar Balance 60 Capsules
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