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buy Flower Diffuser Gift Set with LVD Vaporizer Oil By Mr. Aroma in Delhi,India

Flower Diffuser Gift Set with LVD Vaporizer Oil By Mr. Aroma


SKU: HWH-2018.

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Product Description

Mr. Aroma LVD Plate Flower Diffuser for Home, Car, Offices, Wardrobes, Washrooms.

Pack size: 1N Flower Diffuser , 1N LVD Aroma Oil 10ml

Design of the flower and color of the plate may vary at the time of delivery as per the availability of the stock.

One Porous Ceramic Flower No Flame Aroma Diffuser with 10ml of Aroma Oil for Use.

The Porous portion of Diffuser i.r Flower shape white part will absorb the fragrance from oil when poured, and it will spread it all over the Surroundings.

Perfect for places where we cannot use tea lights, flames and electricity, or we don’t have any electric source. We can place it in washrooms, wardrobes, Cars, Cabins, Rooms etc.

How to Use

Easy to use and Clean, Just pour some drops of oil on the flower (White ceramic petals), and use. Refill the same when you want to make it more efficient.

Efficient Where to Use We can use this anywhere even in Rooms, Home, Office, Cabins, Cars, Washrooms, Refrigerator ( ONLY IF YOU ARE USING Edible ESSENTIAL OILS, Also please note – the Oil Provided with the Product is not Edible Grade).



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