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buy Kairali Maharajaprasarini Thailam in Delhi,India

Kairali Maharajaprasarini Thailam


Product Description


Pack Size: 10ml

An excellent Ayurvedic oil for the treatment of rheumatic and neurological disorders affecting neck, shoulder and arm like Frozen Shoulder, Tennis Elbow, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome etc. It also heals Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis, Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, and other diseases related to nervous system.

An excellent ayurvedic combination of oil described in Ayurveda classic Bhaishajyaratnavali, Maharajaprasarini Thailam is remarkably effective in the treatment of pains affecting the neck shoulder and arm. It contains herbs like Prasarini, Aswaganda, Eranda, Bala etc which are renowned for the nourishment of nervous system. Frozen shoulder, Stiffness of neck, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow etc are also treated effectively with Nasyam, Abyangam and other treatment procedures as per the condition of the disease. It is well known for its effectiveness as a medicine for dysfunction of shoulder joint, due to sports injury, subluxation, dislocation or any degenerative cause.

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