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Sale! buy Dabur Shilajit Gold Capsules in Delhi,India

Product Description

Dabur Shilajit Gold Capsules

Pack Size: 20 Capsules


Shilajit Gold is a perfect prescription for complete rejuvenation, vigour and vitality.

  • Low vitality
  • Impotence
  • Low libido
  • Low energy
  • Low immunity
  • Low sperm count


  • Shilajit – It is a form of mineral that drips from the cracks of the rocks in Himlayas during hot weather. These steep rocks of Himalayas warmed by ages of bright sunshine and mated with plant matter for thousands of years exude Shilajit, which is rich in medicanal powers. The Shilajit used in Shilajit Gold is purified by Dabur to increase its potency. Shilajit is very rich in minerals, which are as important as proteins, carbohydrates and fats for our body. Shilajit brings about balanced and harmonious health in all users young and old. It acts as a restorative tonic, slowing down wear and tear of body tissues, which in turn delays ageing. Ancient Ayurvedic physicians used Shliajit to treat various diseases. They have also used it for increasing the vigour and vitality. There is also extensive mention of Shilajit as a powerful aphrodisiac and restorer of youthfulness in “Kama Sutra” – the most widely read treatise on sex.
  • Gold or Swarna Bhasma – It is a known ‘rasayan’ or rejuvenator in Ayurvedic medicine. It is mentioned in Ayurvedic textbooks for use as a general tonic, aphrodisiac, nervine stimulant and also promotes longevity. It increases strength improves sexual vigour and vitality. Gold acts as a rejuvenator when taken with butter or ghee or cream of milk & acts as a potent aphrodisiac when taken with milk & sugar.
  • Ashwagandha – It is well known rasayana drug in Ayurvedic medicine. The root extract possesses rejuvenating and aphrodisiac properties.
  • Alkushi or Kauch Beej – It possesses aphrodisiac property. The extract of seeds is helpful in spermatorrhea and improves sexual health.
  • Safed Mushali – It is a well known sexual nutritive tonic and is often given with milk along with other ingredients in cases of seminal weakness and impotence.
  • Gokshru – It increases the sperm count and enhances the desire for sex. Besides, it helps to make sperm thicker
  • Akarkara – It helps in erection of penis and boosts the sexual desire.
  • Jaiphal – It enhances sexual desire and stops premature ejaculation.
  • Lavang – Lavang helps in delaying ejaculation and increases the duration of sexual intercourse. Lavang increases the body temperature and thereby enhances the desire for sex.


The recommended dose of Shilajit Gold is one to two capsules twice a day, preferably with warm milk.
Patients with kidney problem, urinary stones and gout should consult physician before using the formulation. Plus, it should not be taken on empty stomach. Not recommended for children.


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