Ayurvedant Livwin Syrup
₹ 130.00
It is hepato stimulant and protective. It is highly beneficial in fatty liver, cirrhosis and alcoholic liver disease. Protects liver from Hepatitis B & C with Bhumiamla and Kutaki. Controls dyspepsia and symptoms of Jaundice. Regulates bile production and expulsion. Improves appetite, digestion and assimilation.
Product Description
It is hepato stimulant and protective. It is highly beneficial in fatty liver, cirrhosis and alcoholic liver disease. Protects liver from Hepatitis B & C with Bhumiamla and Kutaki. Controls dyspepsia and symptoms of Jaundice. Regulates bile production and expulsion. Improves appetite, digestion and assimilation.
Research and clinical evidence show- An aqueous extract of the plant Phyllanthus niruri inhibits endogenous DNA polymerase of hepatitis B virus and binds to the surface antigen of hepatitis B virus in vitro. The extract also inhibits woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) DNA polymerase and binds to the surface antigen of WHV in vitro.Eclipta alba L. Hassk. (Asteraceae), commonly known as Bhangra (Hindi) has been reported to show protective effect on experimental liver damage in rats and mice. The plant has been reported for the treatment of liver cirrhosis and infective hepatitis.
Tinospora Cordifolia (Giloy) stem and leaves prevented the occurrence of lead nitrate induced liver damage.
Cichorium intybus linn (Kasni) is domesticated plant and cultivated for food, fodder and medicine9, root is used in treatment of jaundice, liver enlargement, gout and rheumatism. Cichorium intybus linn contains sesquiterpene lactones and some of guainolides, which possess cytotoxic activity against cultured cancer cells.
Ayurvedant Livwin Syrup 200gm
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