Nagarjuna Herbal Asokarishtam Syrup
₹ 80.00
Product Description
Pack Size : 450ml
Ashokarishta is an Ayurvedic Product. It is extensively used in Ayurvedic treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding and other gynecological complaints. It contains 5 – 10 % of self generated alcohol, which acts as medium for herbal active principles. This is also called as Asokarishtam.
It is used in Ayurveda treatments for many diseases like Pain menstruation,heavy periods, fever, bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, bleeding hemorrhoids, inflammation, indigestion and lack of taste.
1. It is usually prescribed by many Ayurvedic doctors for treating menstrual irregularities. If you have severe bleeding then Ashokarishtam may be helpful for you, but if you do have irregular prolonged cycle, then it is not a good idea to take this product. It is only helpful in short menstrual cycle and in heavy menstrual bleeding.
- Though it is used primarily in female complaints, it is also useful in many other diseases as mentioned above.
- Ashokarisht contains about 5 – 10 % of self generated natural alcohol in it. This self generated alcohol and the water present in the product acts as a media to deliver water and alcohol soluble the active herbal components to the body.
Other traditional uses of Ashokarishta –
Asrigdhara – heavy menstrual bleeding
Ruja – useful in dysmenorrhoea – painful periods
Jwara – fever
Raktapitta – bleeding disorders like nasal bleeding
Arsha – bleeding hemorrhoids
Mandagni – low digestion strength
Aruchi – anorexia, lack of taste in food
Dose: –
10 ml, once or twice a day, after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor. Those with irritation in the stomach can take this with equal quantity of water.
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