Arya Vaidya Sala Vasakadyarishtam Syrup
₹ 125.00
Product Description
Arya Vaidya Sala Vasakadyarishtam Syrup
Pack Size: 450ml
Vasakadyarishtam is one of the potent liquid Ayurvedic formulations which is named after Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) which is one of its main ingredients. It contains 3 to 5% of alcohol which is generated naturally within a span of 3 months of fermentation.
It is Vata-Kapha and Rakta-dosha Shamak.
It is indicated in all types of respiratory and inflammatory conditions like Asthma, Cold, Cough, Bronchitis, etc.
Children – 5 to 10 ml
Adults – 20 to 40 ml
Older Adults – 20 ml
To be taken after meals in divided doses with an equal quantity of water and the maximum dose should not exceed more than 60 ml.
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